Let There Be Light – Thirteenth Edition (Download)


125 pp
This is a digital download (PDF) version of the hardcover book.
This book describes Dinshah Ghadiali’s decades-long struggle to enlighten the healing profession regarding his Spectro-Chrome System of therapy and also gives guidance to test the system for yourself.


By Darius Dinshah (PDF Digital Download)

Darius Dinshah is the son of Dinshah Ghadiali, the founder of the Spectro-Chrome chromotherapy system. This book describes the use of specific colors for treating ailments; the length of time for exposure, specific equipment to be used, etc. Ghadiali would have to be regarded as one of the foremost and most effective proponents for the use of color therapy. This book also includes sections dealing with the equivalent sounds for colors; reprints of articles and court cases relating the use of color therapy in the 1920s, 30s and 40s.